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Join me

September 12

8:00pm (EST)

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Contrary to what you may believe, I am not happy or positive all the time.

I do have down moments and days.

However, they don’t last long, and I can typically pull myself out from them quickly. It’s easy for me to do that now.

But I get asked all the time, because of how long my journey was and working with such an emotional subject….. How do I remain so positive?

Well, in this class I am going to share with you:

  • What I have done in the past
  • What I do now
  • What didn’t work
  • How to pull yourself out of negative mindsets by noticing the signs and symptoms

It’s not always easy, because I truly believe this marathon of a journey is 90% mindset. If we can't sustain a positive outlook, that will impact our mental & emotional wellbeing, as well as our physical health.

When you are more positive, you ultimately:

  • Improve your immune system
  • Increase quality of sleep
  • Decrease chronic pain
  • Improve your gut health
  • And so much more….

Join me in this FREE Workshop to learn how to practically sustain your own positive attitude, despite what life throws your way!